Data Types in C - List of Data Types in C Language

Data Types in C Language :-

C has a concept of "Data Types" which are used to define a variable before its use. A variable is hold the value for its define data type and in a variable the value which it holds can be change during the program life cycle.

C has the following built-in Data Types--
  • int 
  • float 
  • double
  • char
Data Types in C - List of Data Types in C Language

int :- The int Data Type is used to store the integer values positive and negative both. The range of numbers in int in C is -32768 to +32767.

float :- The float Data Type used to store the floating point values positive and negative both.

char :- The char Data Type is used to store a single character in a variable. 

double :- The double Data Type is used to store the floating point numbers into a variable but it range is just double from float.

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